Chicnhealth's Article in Alternative Medicine

1099 10 Home Remedies For Persistent Cough That Really Work
Persistent caugh can can be a sign of a serious illness such as bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza and even lung cancer. Hence it is very important to understand the cause of a persistent cough and seek remedies for the problem before it aggravates.
Posted on Oct-01-2010

413 A Great Way to Get Fit Eyes and Great Vision
Eyes are the most important assets of a human being. Among the five sensory organs, eyes are the ones that let us see the world. Without eye vision, life is dull and boring. It is very important to take care of your eyes, prevent common eye disorders, and treat eye problems early.
Posted on Sep-28-2010

431 Top 7 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Without Prescription Medications
High levels of cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and chronic cardiac failures. There are ways to lower cholesterol naturally and keep it at a healthy level.
Posted on Sep-28-2010

462 Laughter, Good for Your Health
Laughter is the best form of medicine. Studies on laughter show that people with a better sense of humor have longer and healthier lives.
Posted on Sep-28-2010

491 The Best Way to Keep Your Memory in Shape
Memory is an integral part of life. Recalling the detail of particular event and bring them to the current awareness clear and sharp. To improve ability memory requires slightly more effort. Memory, like other powers, must be cultivated and practiced.
Posted on Sep-28-2010